Friday, February 26, 2010

Vancouver Screening of SALUTE

I just wanted to thank everyone in Vancouver who came to see SALUTE tonight as part of DOXA Film series. What was really amazing was the fact that I got to hear about some of the issues happening in Vancouver during the Winter Olympics. For the purpose of opening this up a little more I encourage those of you who can share that information with us to do so here.

Thank you to those people who stood up to ask questions and to make statements about the Olympic movement. It is people like you who are standing up for all the right reasons. That I thank you for.

The Olympic movement in this day and age does seem to be a very political movement. The Olympic Committee obviously don't want that but in this day and age with the internet and more communication avenues it's becoming a bit concerning that we are still suffering the same issues when ever an Olympic Games comes to town.

Money seems to be the key to this. The Olympic Games continues to make trillions of dollars while society pays for it. Unemployment, Indigenous land rights, homelessness and social affordability should be the number one priority but instead it's about Governments making money and the Olympic Committee not standing up for the very right of the people.

The debate starts here... post with passion. I'd like to hear your voice!!!


Mike Browne said...

Thanks so much Matt. Your enthusiasm and accessibility made putting your film up so much easier for the rest of us here in Vancouver. We can't wait to see what you do next.

Wingman Pictures said...

TO THE DOXA TEAM: Congratulations on showing why your festival series is so important. You are incredibly generous and have really proved your worth in the World of Documentary screenings. Thank you for your incredible work, support, respect and communication. AAAAAAAA + Consider yourselves all good friends of me and my company. You rock.