Saturday, February 27, 2010

DOXA screening of Matt Norman’s documentary SALUTE a success

DOXA screening of Matt Norman’s documentary SALUTE a success

DOXA screening of Matt Norman’s documentary SALUTE a success

DOXA Documentary Film Festival wishes to thank all those who came out to see the last in this year’s monthly motion pictures screening of Matt Norman’s documentary film SALUTE a rousing success.

Fifth Avenue Cinemas Lobby pre-Salute Screening
Photo by Carol Browne

The film was well received by the crowd, many of whom stayed after the film for a Q & A session live with director Matt Norman from his home in Australia. There were numerous Olympic related questions, answers and opinions given during the very informative session.

Matt Norman on Skype live from Australia
Photo by Carol Browne

SALUTE is about an iconic moment in the US civil rights movement in the form of a black power salute at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. The involvement of the white Australian, Peter Norman, Matt Norman’s Uncle, who was also on the podium that day, was Matt’s inspiration for making the film. As many who talk about that day over 40 years ago have excluded Matt’s uncle from their discussion Matt wanted the story more thoroughly told.

A big thank you to Matt Norman for sharing his film with us and making himself so accessible during the process of making this event happen.

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